Ashtanga vinyasa Intensive with Vijaya Kumar, India

28. 06. 2023 - 01. 07. 2023 | retreat centre Bělá nad Svitavou

ashtanga vinyasa, mysore practice, pranayama, indian philosophy

This extraordinary workshop follows traditional way of practice Ashtanga vinyasa yoga. It is focused on self-practice for those who are into the mysore practice already. Workshop is intended for progress of practitioners, it is not designed for beginners. You may feel the soul of India through amazing teacher Vijaya Kumar (born in Mysore, Karnataka state, India). We will follow morning mysore practice and afternoon workshops concentrated on breathing, philosophy and particular body movement areas. It is hold in english.

380 euro (include everything - accommodation, vegan foods, lectures

You can also book your place on an email or phone 776 550 524.

More photos from past workshops to see in the photo gallery.