Hatha yoga workshopy with Patrick Hoenner, France

10. 05. 2024 - 12. 05. 2024 | retreat centre Bela nad Svitavou

hatha yoga, thai osteopatia massage, meditation, harmonium and singing

Did you already meet french yoga teacher and Thai massage therapist Patrick? Well if not then you need to come here for his beautiful therapeutic weekend workshop. It is song of the Soul. Dear Patrick will guide you through the weekend full of the hathayoga practice, breathing exercises, kirtan singing and meditation. Some moments of the weekend we will enjoy the wuo-thai osteopatia massage under his professional guidance. Patrick is massage therapist more than 15 years. He is one of these people I love to cooperate with. I perceive Patrick as a sweet joyful soul with non-evaluator and compassionate attitude towards the people . You can feel his joy to share his experience with others. Come and experience him yourself.

200 euro
include the lectures, vegan meal during the day, accommodation

You can also book your place on an email rujana@email.cz or phone 776 550 524.

More photos from past workshops to see in the photo gallery.