Yoga and Ayurveda

02. 05. 2019 - 05. 05. 2019 | Retreat centre Bělá nad Svitavou

The concept of this workshop is holistic - the combination of the principles of Ayurveda with asana and pranayama practice. Practical knowledge of the preparation of heathy good foods and the introduction into dynamic yoga practice step by step.

The concept of this workshop is holistic - you will learn how to use principles of ayurveda in daily life, how to use the spices in the foods to make you feel good, you will learn how to breathe properly and also you will get into the taste of dynamic yoga practices through gentle ways - step by step. If you want to have a look into the magic of holistic yoga attitude - this is one of the rare opportunities. Mornings we will spend time with our body and mind - we will learn how to use our breath and how to move in synchronicity in asana practice ( with Kathy). Afternoons are dedicated to the Ayurveda - you will get to know which type you are and what kind of spices and foods are good for you - theoretical part, and than you will learn how to cook balanced food on ayurvedic principles (with Svetlana). In the evening we will have time to relax and meditate a bit together.

150 euro
Deposit: 30 euro

You can also book your place on an email or phone 776 550 524.